Prompt Case Study


UX design of a mobile application and website to be able to add and track patients in your network to build a study.


The team wanted a way for hospital staff to easily create a study to track their patients' health. The staff can modify questionnaires that would be sent out to their patients depending on their health. The way the patient respondsto the questionnaire would determine the follow up procedures. The answers would be tracked and be compared with other patients with similar ailment in a project. That way the hospital staff could compare and track the health of their patients and use the data for their study.


The app design included the comprehensive and simplistic functionality which had to be presented to users in a simple and clear way. The designers had to analyze and prioritize all the points, as there was a high risk of overloading the screen. By several designs, the user scenarios were created to determine which information about the patient and the patient’s answers were found the most important.

User Interface Design

The Prompt app was designed to make keeping track of the patient’s health simpler. To be able to see all or an individual patient’s data at their fingertips. The application layout had to be structured with intuitive navigation, simple background, and quick and readable information. The bold icons and contrasting colors made an easily readable design. The bright typography indicates a clickable option. Keeping the navigation simple and not overwhelming the user was the main concern for quick working doctors. 


Personalization of applications and websites was to keep it simple and usable. On the application side the user would be able to change simple personal information. While on the website page the user can access and change their team. They could also add patients to their study.


Surveys are the way to get the information from the patients. The user will be able to use pre-generated and modify surveys to their using. Surveys will be sent out to patients on a schedule based on the user. The user will be able to see when the survey was sent and if the patient has answered the survey. The answers are collected and the user can see the data by individual patient or as a collective. They can use this information to gain further study on their project.


The user can easily set up a “Project” to the user parameters. The user creates a study is they want to track patients with a certain illness, age range, sex, and more. The user will be able to see all the data that comes in for that project. The user will be able to add their patients to their projects.

Bottom Line

We have been designing an app that would make tracking a patient's health easy. If a bad survey comes back, the right people would know something is wrong with their patient and can react accordingly. Otherwise they can track a certain illness among their patients and compare it with each other. Creating new data that the user can take for their studies.